Procedural Galaxy

This project was completed for the procedural content generation module during my time at university. I was tasked with using C# & Unity to create a procedurally generated interactive space themed diorama, I decided to create a program which makes a new galaxy each time it is ran. In order to complete this I created a number of scripts to generate stars, planets, and moons. The stars are created using an offset, an angle, a distance, and a scale value which are all randomized on each run. When each star is generated it also has data attached to it which specifies how many planets orbit the star and the planets have data which specifies how many moons and spaceships the planet will have in orbit. When the player clicks on a star the scene changes to that star and the planets and moons are generated in a similar but simpler way than than how the whole galaxy is generated. The player can then press Escape to return the main galaxy scene and view a new star or the same as previously viewed and it will still be the same as previously.