Where's Wally Solver

This project was created for the object orientated programming module during my time at university. I was provided with two images, a black and white where's Wally scene and a black and white image of Wally himself. I was tasked with using C++ & Visual Studio to create a program that would be able to take the image of wally and use it to find where Wally was in the cluttered scene and draw a border around any area which it thought contained Wally. To achieve this I made a matrix to store the image of Wally and then made a number of different matricies which were the same size as the image of Wally, one final matrix was used to compare the data between the Wally image and the search matrix. A score was generated by summing the squared difference of the data in the compare matrix and then if the score was below a certain threshold it would be marked as a possible solution and a border was drawn around it and it was saved as a PGM file. After all potential matches had been found a final PGM was saved which was the full scene with borders around each potential Wally. It was a success and a border was perfectly placed around Wally in the final image, there were also a few areas highlighted which didn't contain Wally and that goes to show that the algorithm could be improved but it satisfied the requirements of the project.

Where's Wally scene